Thursday, March 8, 2012

happy days.

I'm back again after yet another little blogging hiatus. Life is pretty darn good these days. I've been keeping busy with work and giving private classes, but I still have plenty of time to enjoy this city (and my bed) on the weekends. I'm fighting a little cold right now (AGAIN), but I'm taking good care of myself so hopefully it'll be a short one. Well, I was thinking about this often neglected little blog, and I realized that I really haven't posted much about the wonderful little city where I spend most of my days, nor have I documented much about my everyday life over here. There is so much to love and share about this city, so I'm thinking that's got to change. Let's start with last weekend....

On Friday night, my lovely friends Lauren and Christina hosted a "Team America" themed potluck at their place so we could enjoy some of our favorite all-American foods and share them with some Spanish friends. I made homemade mac and cheese all by myself for the first time, and it turned out really good for my first try. We also had sliders, hot dogs, pigs in blankets, mashed potatoes, rice krispy treats, cookies, and lots more... heaven.

and thissss is why we're fat!

A little over a month ago, some friends of mine heard about a farmer's market in Madrid with practically free wine tasting, and we knew that was right up our alley! The farmer's market in Madrid takes place on the first Saturday of each month near Lago metro, in the Casa de Campo area. Unfortunately, I was deathly ill and stuck in bed for February's market and had to miss out on all the fun, but I was determined to make it this month. We somehow motivated on Saturday morning and headed to the market, which is easily one of my new favorite things about Madrid! For only 1 euro, you can buy a wine glass and enjoy free wine tastings from all of the vendors. There were a bunch of different local wineries serving unlimited pours of wine, as well as some other local vendors with samples of baked goods, cheeses, and meats. There was also a local brewery, La Cibeles, selling cañas y tapas and bottles of beer for only 2 euros. I tried their Castaña beer... it was the first Spanish microbrew I've tried and it was pretty good!

Apparently word of the market got around our auxiliar friend circle, so there were quite a few of us in attendance... we met up with a bunch of other friends at the market. After lots of wine tasting and purchasing bottles of wine (for only 2 euros... tomaaa!), a large group of us headed to the lake for a picnic. It was an afternoon of good people, good weather, and good times! This primavera weather and lazy weekend afternoons at the park have been the highlights of my month!

lago at casa de campo... views of palacio real and the cathedral

life through my lense

That's all for today... time to rest up so I can survive my last workday of the week!



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